

The 7Kb JavaScript calendar.

You worked so hard to keep your app small. And then came the manager’s request to add a calendar. Shit. Now you need Moment and jQuery and all your self-discipline means nothing. Until now.

The purpose of this library is to render ‘events’. It offers a calendar view as well as a list view.

In order to avoid confusion with JavaScript events, calendar ‘events’ are known as entries (singular: entry) in the code base and API.


Basic Usage

Editor Plugin

Display Trello Board


<div id="calendar"></div>
<script src="calendar.js"></script>
  var calendar = new Calendar({
    target: document.querySelector("#calendar"),
    data: {
      entries: [{
        dateFrom: '2017-10-10',
        title: 'Hallo',
        content: 'World'

Data Object

monthNames [Array]

Names of the months to display in the header.

default: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]

dayNames [Array]

Names of the days to display in calendar header. Week starts on Sunday.

default: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]

entries [Array]

Entries to display. See Entry Object below.

Default: []

month [Integer]

Along with year determines which month is displayed.

Default: current month

year [Integer]

Along with month determines which month is displayed.

Default: current year

escape [Boolean]

Whether to escape the content field of the event. Set to false if you need to display HTML in the modal. Needless to say, you need to sanitize user generated content server-side.

Default: true

showNew [Boolean]

Whether to show the New Event click area on the calendar.

Default: false

previousText [String]

Text to display on the button that goes back in time.

Default: "Prev"

nextText [String]

Text to display on the button that goes forward in time.

Default: "Next"

calendarText [String]

Text to display on the button that enables the calendar view.

Default: "Calendar"

listText [String]

Text to display on the button that enables the list view.

Default: "List"

emptyText [String]

Text to display when list view is empty.

Default: "No Events To Display"

untitledText [String]

Text to display when entry title is empty.

Default: "Untitled"

view [String]

The initial render mode. Must be one of "calendar" or "list".

Default: "calendar"

defaultColor [String]

Default entry color. Can be overwritten per entry. Text color will adapt to create contrast.

Default: "darkblue"

message [String]

Message to display in the header, useful for indication loading status.

Display an important notification to the user, such as connections errors.

Entry Object

Each entry may have the following keys:

start [String] required

The starting date/time in ISO8601 format and UTC timezone, e.g. 2017-01-01T10:00:00Z.

end [String]

The ending date/time in ISO8601 format and UTC timezone, e.g. 2017-01-01T10:00:00Z. If omitted, will be the same as start, and allDay will be false.

all_day [Boolean]

Whether to use only the date component of start/end.

title [String]

Title of the entry.

Default: ""

content [String]

Content to display when modal is opened. Can contain HTML if escape is set to false in calendar options.

color [String]

CSS color to associate with this entry. Do not use named colors - a hex code is required.

Default: "#00008b" (darkblue)

image [String]

URL of an image to display in the modal.

url [String]

External link.

Calendar API


This updates the calendar’s state with the new values provided and causes the DOM to update.


calendar.set({events: [...]}) // update events

calendar.set({year: 2018, month: 1}) // jump to Feb 2018 (months are zero-indexed)


Get calendar state.


var entries = calendar.get('entries')

.observe(key, callback[, options])

Use this to check when the calendar display is changed, possible fetching new entry data and updating the calendar with .set.


calendar.observe('month', function(newMonth, oldMonth) {
  console.log("Month changed from", oldMonth, "to", newMonth)
  console.log("Year is", cal.get('year'))
  fetch(`/entries/?year=${cal.get('year')}&month=${newMonth}`).then(r => r.json()).then(data => {
    const entries = cal.get('entries')
    cal.set({entries: entries.concat(data.entries)})


Removes the component from the DOM and removes any observers and event listeners that were created.



.on(event, callback)

Respond to events. See events below.

Trigger the modal

calendar.set({showModal: true})

Access to DOM Nodes

Certain nodes van be reference using the refs property of the calendar.



calendar.refs.modalContent.innerHTML = '<h1>Custom Modal Content</h1>'
calendar.set({showModal: true})



Called when an entry is clicked/tapped in calendar view.


calendar.on('entryClicked', function(event) {


Called when the New Entry area is clicked/tapped in calendar view.


calendar.on('newClicked', function(event) {
  calendar.refs.modalContent.innerHTML = '<h1>Add New Event</h1>'
  calendar.set({showModal: true})


All strings can be overwritten in the options, so if you need something other than English, just pass in the translated strings.

Custom Modal Buttons

  modalButtons: [
    {id:'do-something', text: 'Click Me'}

calendar.on('do-something', function(event) {


Editor plugin form validation